【Information Technology Support 】
To cope with the matured internet world nowadays, our company upgrade our I.T systems time by time, presently we have both the WMS & TMS applied in our daily logistics operations and can enable us to link up with some of our clients’ SAP systems which up lifts the accuracy entirely. Moreover we also installed bar code & GPS soft wares into our system recently.
After consulting the most updated WMS systems in both overseas &mainland China ,we upgraded our WMS system in 2012 A.D. under this new system we provide a perfect WMS system to manage our warehousing activitie,like warehouse in storage & out inventories,auto torage racks assigned,different models of goods recorded by bar code scanning machines,alarm systems for prior goods in order to avoid for goods overdue,and etc..
Our upgraded WMS System is B/S & C/S mixed which enable us to link up with most common systems of clients’,like EDI ,web service , FTP,RFC,TXT & XLS.
The said WMS System can be operated either by paper,i.e. ordes are to be printed out to operative staff,or without paper using, i.e. to scan the bar codes which are labeled on goods by operative staff and records & date are to be recorded by the System automatically.Without any doubt,our system can satisfy different cusomers’requirements on their different storage,dispacting,refilling & other assigned warehousing strategies.Moreover our system can also backup & provide all warehousing data at any time which includes on-line checking for customers’goods.